Tuesday, October 21

"Verde Que Te Quiero Verde..."

I have been delving into the world of 'green' blogs, and am fired up about the real potential for "energy independence" and renewable wealth in the U.S. and in the global village.

Here are some of the blogs I've discovered so far:

.Green Chip Stocks
.Green Wombat
.Red, Green, and Blue
.Tree Hugger

Do you have any other suggestions?

I am also taking a closer look at my own energy use, my 'carbon footprint.'

One small step I've taken in the quest to live green is to bring my own coffee mug to the local coffee shop in the morning. Laura, the owner, smiles every time she fills it up and says I'm a smart woman and will be rich one day. Rica.

I reckon I already am!

And so, it's time to share the wealth, whatever one has to give. Not traditional socialism, not quite. I prefer the idea/philosophy behind Champagne Socialism. Everyone rich.

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