Thursday, October 16

Think Globally, Act Locally

I think it was my 9th grade English teacher, Peggy Liu, who first introduced me to these words and the idea behind them. These days, as the world becomes smaller and more interconnected every minute, they are especially resonant.

I have felt so helpless lately in the face of the immense challenges and heartache we encounter in this new century. So I have decided to focus on what I can do, however small, to make a difference.

As I chip away at making positive change in my own little life, I realize that while it is so important to inform myself about what's happening around the globe, or even in U.S. politics (gulp), it is of utmost importance to do as Ghandi once suggested and "be the change you wish to see in the world."

So, I am starting to look more closely at my daily habits and routines. How can I be part of the solution instead of part of the problem? I guess it's time to find out. More on this to come.

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