Thursday, October 2

There is Time for Everything, Right?

I have been neglecting my personal writing projects lately -- which is starting to effect my health and well-being. And, my efficiency with client projects.

When I am not actively engaged in my own writing, I start to get depressed. And when I get depressed, I get slow and unmotivated.

So, here's the new daily schedule, designed to bring health, wealth and happiness:

3 hours devoted to my own writing/poetry projects
3 hours devoted to writing for/collaboration with clients & potential clients

1-2 additional hours each day for "etc" and administrative projects.

How do you organize your writing/work day? Any time management ideas/tips that works especially well for you?


ACW said...

I'm a person who works better with deadlines. And when I have some projects that have deadlines attached, it puts me on a roll where my other writing benefits. Otherwise I spend too much time thinking about what I want to write instead of writing. Sort of like running. The first few miles are painful, but once you do that everyday ten miles is much easier.

Carmen Palmer said...

ah, yes, deadlines. i agree. i've also found that collaboration makes me much more productive. i make meeting times weekly with folks i'm collaborating with, clients etc. and that motivates me to keep on schedule. thanks for sharing anne! kudos on btw & good luck tomorrow at your press pause worksop! wish i were going to be there ;) xoxo