Monday, September 15

Fear or Innovation?

I am the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran. I have seen first-hand what war can do to individuals and families. It is devastating.

Too many of our native sons continue to come home from fighting our wars damaged and broken.

I fear more war, and believe that war is what the McCain/Palin ticket represents, in more than one sense of the word -- war with dangerous countries and people, war against our own earth, war against women's bodies, war against the 'less fortunate.'

I Fear that with someone like Palin at the healm, our daughters will grow up without choices concerning their reproductive health.

As a woman, I support Obama because I think the world will benefit now, more than any time before, from the qualities (traditionally attributed to women) that he possesses. Listening skills. Empathy. Intuition. While these are not qualities that are applauded in politicians, or men, for the most part, I think they are the qualities that America needs to regain her equilibrium and compassion. Her humility.

The "Drill Drill Drill" chant makes me sick to my stomach. I prefer "Yes We Can." Call me an idealist, but if we don't get truly innovative and develop and implement plans for large-scale, affordable alternatives to power our future and gradually eliminate the need for, and dependence on, oil (foreign and domestic) and other non-renewable energy resources, we will pay ever more dire consequences.

I realize that Barack Obama is not the answer to all of America's problems, but I believe he authentically desires change for our country (unlike MC Cain who has voted most of the time with George W. Bush). Whether Obama can deliver on his message of change is yet to be seen, but I decided in February of this year, I am willing to take a risk for my country and for the world. As Americans, we do influence the world, and "with great power comes great responsibility" -Spiderman comic (?)

I believe Barack Obama is ready to innovate old systems and bring about real change that will create win-win partnerships in business as opposed to winner takes all. The Old Guard (Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Fannie May) is falling and will continue to fall if we as a nation don't take a quantum leap. The new economy, a network of win-win partnerships inspired by the internet revolution, is a model for us to follow, and for politicians as well. But it means sharing the wealth.

The question is: are we ready? The president is not the only one responsible for bringing about change. That's another reason I support Obama. As a community organizer, he knows that real change does not take place because of the decisions of a small few, but because of the collective conscience and actions of many individuals.

I light a candle that in November an unprecedented number of voters will turn out to rock the vote -- to change America and the world -- and that they will vote for REAL change and innovation that will (little by little) bring more peace, not more war.

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got." -Anon.


Higganum Vision Group said...

Well said, Carmen!
~Liz from CT

Carmen Palmer said...

Thanks Liz. Had to get it out! Cheers.