Sunday, May 18

Books That Change Lives

I met a woman yesterday and we got to talking about books. She mentioned something like "when a book changes your life..." As a writer, I was inspired and intrigued.

"Has a book changed your life?" I asked. She said yes. The book is in Italian: Una Donna.

How about you? Has a book changed your life? Take some time to think about this question if an answer doesn't come to mind right away.

And then...please share a link to the book(s), and if you wish, what the book means to you, etc., as a comment here.

I'm still thinking. Hm...

1 comment:

ACW said...

Many books have changed my life. But I read one recently I'll mention here. The title is, "A Dog's Life" and it's actually a children's novel by Ann Martin (of Babysitter's Club fame.)

The book is about a journey of a stray dog and the people and animals met, the cruelty and kindness experienced, and the courage garnered across the miles.

It is, in essence, about the journey of life we all experience. I am recommending it to all my midlife friends, family, and coaching clients!