Thursday, May 8

And the Day Came

And the day came

when the risk to remain tight in a bud
became more painful
than the risk it took to blossom.

~ Anais Nin

If given a choice between change and the status quo, many of us would probably choose the status quo. Not because it's better, but because it's comfortable. We know what to expect, more or less.

Change does not come easy, and the beginning of the millenium has been hard. Less hard on you and me than many others, perhaps, because we're still alive, but still hard.

Which makes it harder to vote (by ballot, by action, whatever) for change. It makes it harder to trust in hope instead of fear. Especially when our president, CNN, The History Channel, the Discovery Channel & all the other talking heads spend so much time and money convincing us that fear is all we have left. That fighting is our only option.

We begin to change our reality with our thinking.

It's time to start thinking about blossoming instead of withering. Time to start taking risks (even if that means sacrifice) to save our world.

We have more to gain than we have to lose. We owe it to future generations.


Colleen said...

That's one of my favorite quotes! Another one is "Just when the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world, it became a butterfly" Something to remember in times of change, when it seems like everything is coming to an end. In fact, it's just getting better.

Carmen Palmer said...

Yes! Love that caterpillar quote/image. I've always been so interested in that transformation. Cool ;)